Category: Indeed Apply

Streamlining Talent Acquisition: The Impact of Indeed’s Partnership with JobSync

We announced our partnership with Indeed in October 2023, but this announcement is really the culmination of several years of collaboration with Indeed. In this blog, we want to dive into why this partnership matters even more now and how working together, we can seamlessly integrate your ATS with Indeed’s Apply Sync functionality. This collaboration… Read more »

5 Strategies For Getting The Most Out of Your Job Ad Spend

Why Do Companies Lose Money On Job Ads? Before diving into how companies stretch their job ad spend, it is important to understand why they lose money in the first place. The most common reason companies lose money on job ads is inefficiency. Just like any other strategy, job ads must be researched, analyzed and… Read more »

The Truth Behind The Biggest Native Apply Myths

Here, we’re going to bust a few of the myths surrounding Native Apply tools so you can feel confident in your application strategy. Myth 1: Native Apply Tools Attract Unqualified Candidates THE TRUTH: Every job posting will receive applications from unqualified candidates. However, Native Apply tools increase qualified passive candidate applications by as much as… Read more »

Take Your Mobile Apply Strategy to the Next Level

If you’re looking to improve how you recruit and hire new talent, here are a few reasons why you should upgrade your mobile talent acquisition strategy. Fact: Mobile Phones Are The No. 1 Tool For Browsing the Internet It’s no secret that mobile devices are prevalent in today’s society. Take a look around any public… Read more »

What is an Indeed Quality Score and Why It Matters for Your Candidate Search

When it comes to standalone job search platforms, Indeed reigns king. According to statistics released from, the online platform delivers over 72% of interviews scheduled using job sites. Considering these statistics, it’s easy to see why employers choose to use Indeed to find qualified candidates and why they care so much about where their… Read more »

Looking for better Organic Ranking? Here’s how.

One of the most simple ways to improve your performance on Indeed or on many of the platforms out there today is to leverage their native apply tools.  If you are not familiar with native apply it is the apply tools native to a particular platform that provide candidates with a one-click and done apply… Read more »