Category: Blog

Candidate Experience: Expectations, Boundaries, and Automation

    New year, new candidate experiences. Actually, it does not seem like much has changed but according to the Top CandE Large Employer Winner there’s still room for improvement. We kicked off 2023 with a new-ish format for our monthly roundtable and welcomed not just one, but two special guests. Kevin Grossman of Talent… Read more »

5 Insights to Help You Win at Recruiting in 2023

5 Insights to Help You Win at Recruiting in 2023 In 2022 we saw some big changes in the workforce and things do not seem to be slowing down. In our final roundtable of the year, Brian Fink joined us as we talked about trends, predictions, and the major markets being affected by these changes…. Read more »

The Amazonification of the Candidate Experience

    Candidate experience is a hot topic and has been for a while now. Most companies are finally beginning to realize that candidates, having many choices of where to work with 1.75 jobs available for every worker in the marketplace, increasingly expect their digital experience when applying to a job to mirror their shopping… Read more »

2023 Recruiting Predictions – Part 2

In part 1 of our roundtable wrap up of the final discussion of 2022, we covered the three job markets that our guest Brian Fink predicted will be the biggest market areas that all recruitment pundits eyes will be on. But, while talking about these markets we discussed that the biggest area of focus for… Read more »

Candidate Experience: 2022 Talent Board Findings and Top CandE Large Employer Winner

Happy New Year! As you open your new calendar or planner (yes, some of us still use paper and pen) be sure to schedule in the first JobSync Recruitment Marketing Roundtable of 2023.  Even with a rapidly changing candidate marketplace, great talent deserves a top notch candidate experience. Delivering on that promise requires constant focus… Read more »

2023 Recruiting Predictions – Part 1

2022 flew by. We saw some big changes in the workforce and things do not seem to be slowing down. In our final roundtable of the year, Brian Fink joined us as we talked about trends, predictions, and the major markets being affected by these changes. Combining Brian’s insights with some of our own, the… Read more »

Candidate and Recruiter Experience (Podcast Highlight)

Our final highlight from the second episode of the William Tincup Experience featuring Alex Murphy touches on recruiter and candidate experience. Candidate experience Candidates vote with their mouths about what they will and will not accept. 19 out of 20 people will bail on the application process if they have to take the ATS apply… Read more »

Facebook and Jobs (Podcast Highlight)

Another highlight from the second episode of the William Tincup Experience featuring Alex Murphy was a quick overview of Facebook and the job market. What happened and where is it headed? Facebook and jobs Facebook realized that a lot of their users were looking for jobs. A big problem they found within the candidate experience… Read more »

Are Hiring Teams Struggling to Communicate With Their Tech Systems?

The future of work is here. Or, at least the current version of the future is here. The past two years have shown that some version of work from home and hybrid work is here to stay. Companies and employees have adopted new technologies and adapted to doing the same work differently. But not just… Read more »

2023 Recruiting Predictions

Brian Fink

Are you ready for 2023? ​ It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The time where we look back on all the predictions and trends that were made for 2022, see if they held up, and contemplate what will be coming our way in 2023. This year was the continuation of the Great Resignation,… Read more »