Category: Blog

JobSync Newsletter – May 2024 Edition

Be the first to know when we have an announcement. Sign up for our newsletter!   Tim Sackett joined Leah Daniels and Kevin Grossman on The Talent Sync podcast to continue the age-old debate – does recruiting belong in HR? Two things to note: first, no, it doesn’t – but then again, HR doesn’t really belong in HR either, but that is for… Read more »

Mission Possible: How AmeriHealth Caritas is Delivering a High Touch Candidate Experience While Recruiting at Scale


Hiring for empathy, with empathy, while still remaining operationally efficient is tough for any talent function to master. Bill Musman, VP of Talent Acquisition at AmeriHealth Caritas, shares his ideas for recruiting passionately while steering a mission-driven organization at full speed. AmeriHealth Caritas, a managed care organization of six million members, provides health coverage to vulnerable… Read more »

The “Dos and Don’ts” to Get More Organic Candidate Traffic

Everyone wants more free candidate traffic—it’s like the holy grail of an inbound recruiting strategy. To help you implement, operationalize and measure your organic success, here are our latest DOs and DON’Ts. In our last post, we explained how adopting an organic-first strategy can take your easy-to-fill jobs off the table with zero media investment. That… Read more »

Organic Candidate Traffic is Dead, Long Live Organic!

Hiring organizations want to adopt an organic-first strategy, but they’ve been gaslit into believing it’s just not possible. Let’s set the record straight. At JobSync, we make a simple claim: your inbound recruiting strategy starts with an organic-first candidate acquisition strategy. The main objection we get is typically, “but organic candidate traffic is dead.”  Guess… Read more »

EEO and OFCCP Compliance for Recruiters: What to Know and Do

Like it or not, recruiters need to be experts on a raft of regulations to avoid legal troubles. A key compliance issue is the regulations enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) which aim to promote fairness in the workplace. Recruiters have enough on their plates without having to learn the ins and outs… Read more »

Streamlining Talent Acquisition: The Impact of Indeed’s Partnership with JobSync

We announced our partnership with Indeed in October 2023, but this announcement is really the culmination of several years of collaboration with Indeed. In this blog, we want to dive into why this partnership matters even more now and how working together, we can seamlessly integrate your ATS with Indeed’s Apply Sync functionality. This collaboration… Read more »

How to Win at Organic-first Hiring

How to Win at Organic-first Hiring    Learn the simple things you can do to get more free applicants.  There are two types of candidate traffic you can get for your jobs: free and paid.  Paid is the candidate traffic you get from your sponsored jobs—the paid listings that get bumped to the top of a… Read more »

5 Alarming Ways Your Recruiting Process is Violating GDPR

5 Alarming Ways Your Recruiting Process is Violating GDPR Any organization that processes personal information about EU residents must comply with the GDPR, even if it lacks a physical presence within the EU. Ignorance isn’t bliss here; overlooking these rules could push you into the quicksand of costly non-compliance. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)… Read more »