Category: Facebook

The Truth Behind The Biggest Native Apply Myths

Here, we’re going to bust a few of the myths surrounding Native Apply tools so you can feel confident in your application strategy. Myth 1: Native Apply Tools Attract Unqualified Candidates THE TRUTH: Every job posting will receive applications from unqualified candidates. However, Native Apply tools increase qualified passive candidate applications by as much as… Read more »

Take Your Mobile Apply Strategy to the Next Level

If you’re looking to improve how you recruit and hire new talent, here are a few reasons why you should upgrade your mobile talent acquisition strategy. Fact: Mobile Phones Are The No. 1 Tool For Browsing the Internet It’s no secret that mobile devices are prevalent in today’s society. Take a look around any public… Read more »

The Rise of Facebook as a Job Acquisition Strategy

How the Social Media Platform is Stepping Up Its Game To Help Businesses Attract Qualified Candidates Across the globe, there are over 2.41 billion active monthly users on Facebook and over 1.5 billion who log into the site each day. In the United States, the average age of a Facebook user is 40.5 years old,… Read more »