2 Legit 2 Quit: Giving Rise to the Authentic Voices of Recruiting

Historically, recruiting has borrowed concepts from other industries, specifically sales and marketing. It’s how we ended up with pay-per-performance job ads and leads, it’s why impressions matter, and it’s how we all ended up with a CRM and a career site. But amidst all this borrowing, there’s something missing: the authentic voice of Recruitment. It’s about a shared understanding of what truly matters in the hiring process – the candidate’s journey, the recruiter’s perspective, and the hiring manager’s experience. The voice of the humans we touch.

Watch our live one-hour podcast on our Recruitment Roundtable to learn about bringing a clear voice to recruiting, how you can create clarity in your own organization, and what the future holds as we adopt more and more sales and marketing technology and strategies.

Gerry Crispin
Principal and Co-Founder

Gerry is a life-long student of hiring with a passion for conversations about how every stakeholder in the recruiting process finds meaningful work; technology & data that contribute to employer & candidate decisions; and, an organizational strategy for talent management that is sustainable.

Watch: 2 Legit 2 Quit: Giving Rise to the Authentic Voices of Recruiting