In 2017, nearly two decades after it was first introduced, the patent Amazon held on 1-click technology expired, and the world responded in an uproar of excitement. In an article published by Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania following the patent expiration, Professor R. Polk Kim was quoted saying…
-R. Polk Kim, University of Pennsylvania
As it turns out, most everyone agrees with Kim. 1-click shopping and the sole rights to it did, in fact, help Amazon to secure a strong position in the market of online shopping. However, the big picture of the impact 1-click technology had online was much more significant than a simple monopoly on the market.

Click It and Forget It
Amazon’s 1-click shopping experience didn’t just make paying for online purchases more manageable, it changed the way people think about shopping entirely. In fact, it changed it so much that people don’t want to think about shopping at all. They just want to click and have their purchases arrive at their door.
Fast forward a few years to today and, if you look around, you can easily see that Amazon’s 1-Click technology has changed more than shopping, it’s changed the way people want to get things done online. If anything takes more than a click, it’s one click too many.
How does this apply to your talent acquisition strategy?
Amazon’s 1-click solution was so powerful because it reduced friction. The question for the job space is “How do you reduce friction?” The answer is simply leveraging the native apply solutions that are available like Indeed Apply and LinkedIn Apply.
By leveraging native apply solutions companies can increase their candidate acquisition significantly. JobSync, is taking 1-click technology to employers by connecting their ATS to the native apply tools that align with their candidate acquisition strategy. This makes it possible for employers to meet job seekers where they are and enable them to apply for their dream positions in the least amount of steps. JobSync also helps attract passive candidates. Passive candidates desire a frictionless application experience. Native Apply removes friction and gives passive candidates a one click and done experience enabling them to apply the moment they are interested. What do you think? Are you using native apply solutions today?