This week on the Roundtable Jennifer Cotie Kangas, Director, Digital Experience and Talent Acquisition, Regis Corporation, wants everyone to challenge the “that’s how we’ve always done it mentality.” She will share how to bring an agile mindset to talent acquisition that includes an active process of review and adjust in order to meet the candidates where they are and create conversion vehicles. While there may not be a universal blueprint for every organization Jennifer will walk everyone through the questions needed to achieve each organization’s individual goals.
We will discuss:
What are some of the main principles of agile that should be brought to talent acquisition?
What is a “blueprint” and what is a “brochure” in talent acquisition?
How do you leverage technology to meet the candidates where they are?
How do you create a TA “go to market strategy” with check ins and pivot points?

About Jennifer: My professional tool belt doesn’t look like many others. It’s comprised of a variety of tools, added and sharpened through years as a Project Consultant. I’m a Director of Digital Experience and Global Talent Acquisition, but by all other standards, I’m a builder.
These days you’ll find me during the week focused on building frictionless processes and systems. Outside of work, you’ll find me in an actual tool-belt, finishing my house and helping others to learn the trades.